Model Number:Turbo Blower Cooling Fan Item Type:Fan Origin:Mainland China Voltage:DC 24V
Note: Many stores sell counterfeit and shoddy products for profit. When you need to select products, you should consider not only the price, but also the credibility of the store. The SUNON fans we promise to sell are all genuine. You acquire a qualitative and durable radial fan from SUNON (original) with an operating voltage of 24V (see tech. Data). These fans are much more suitable for component cooling than axial fans, since radial fans can generate a significantly higher air pressure. Common axial fans are either too loud, large or cannot transport the air to the exit of the air duct / fanduct. The cable length of the fans is almost 8cm. The fan has a third pin for fan control / reading the speed (cable not available / installed). . Each fan is individually balanced, so that a very quiet running behavior can be guaranteed (this is the high price)! Description: Model: MF50152VX-1L02C-A99 Size: 50*50*15mm Voltage: DC24V Current: 70mA/Max.81 mA Power: 1.95W Rated Speed:6000RPM+- 10% at rated voltage Noise: 43.8dB(A) Air volume: 4.8CFM Static Pressure: 0.76inch-H.O Weight:28.37g Bearing: Double bearing SAFE - This fan meets UL, CSA, TUV, and CE guidelines and has been approved by all to ensure a safe and productive work environment Package: 1PCS 5015 FAN